5 Foods That Will Improve Your Health

You are what you eat:


so don’t be fast, cheap, easy or fake!

New things excite us. Just as learning how to use tools and materials to help you with daily tasks like using mobile storage to move or renting spaces to protect your assets is important, so is knowing what enables you to achieve optimal health.

Better health starts with what you eat. Proper nutrition is key to avoiding cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, eating healthier supports your muscles boosts the immune system, strengthens muscles, and may even help you live longer.

Before the year ends, change the way you eat by including these five foods and habits in your life.


It’s recommended to drink at least eight to twelve cups of water per day. This is because your body needs water to function. However, depending on factors like exercise, environment, overall health, pregnancy & breastfeeding, your intake of water may need to increase.

Water improves bowel movements, gets rid of waste, lubricates joints, and protects sensitive tissues. Avoid dehydration and other risks by drinking water. It’s an easy step to take on a journey to improve your health. Keep a glass or water bottle with you at all times to encourage and remind you of the daily goal.

Whole Grains

Eating whole grains has been part of the human diet for thousands of years. Adding whole grains to your diet is one way to diversify your palette and avoid high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

Barley, wheat berry, wild rice, brown rice, quinoa, and bulgur are a few examples of common whole-grain varieties. If you are struggling to eat more of this food, start your day with an oatmeal breakfast. Throw in some blueberries, nuts,seeds, and cinnamon to your oatmeal, and you got yourself a healthy breakfast.

Popcorn is also part of the whole grains family, but be mindful of the ingredients you add. For example, butter and salt are best kept in low quantities for this snack. It’s one of my favourite snacks!!

Dark Green Vegetables

Leafy greens are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and folate. Apart from being high in fiber, they are low in fat and sodium.

So, enjoy them in salads and protein shakes. Dark green vegetables include:

● Arugula (rocket)
● Bok choy (Chinese chard)
● Collard Greens (collard)
● Dandelion greens
● Kale
● Mustard Greens
● Rapini (broccoli raab)
● Swiss chard
● Turnip greens

Switch To A Plant-based Diet

It’s upsetting to learn that eating animal-based protein is not the healthiest diet in spite of what the media spreads. In fact, consuming animal products is “conclusively linked to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and osteoporosis.”

Meat consumers are at a higher risk of having colon, breast, cervical, uterine, ovarian, prostate, and lung cancers compared to vegetarians.

Studies show that a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle reduces cholesterol,inflammation, and body weight.

However, a drastic switch to your diet works best with gradual change. Start by introducing more vegetables and fruits to your diet. Figure out ways to eliminate your intake of meat by swapping for plant-based meals.

With time, you’ll find how to adjust. The bottom line, slow and steady wins the race.

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